Our Canoe Team

2023 - 2024 Project Managers:
Elizabeth Bryant & Benidicto Herrera | concretecanoe@csulbasce.org
The Concrete Canoe project leads up to a competition at the Pacific Southwest Conference (PSWS) that is held every year. The Concrete Canoe team helps promote team-building skills as students actively design, analyze, construct a concrete canoe, and then race the canoe at PSWS.
During the fall, team members design the canoe and paddlers will begin to practice. In the spring, the final product is created, and then at PSWS they compete against other ASCE chapters of the southwest section. At PSWS, the Concrete Canoe team will have the canoe on display, and then they will have to race other schools.
The canoe is graded and scored by a technical design paper, oral presentation, the final product, product display, and race times. This competition one of the biggest and often the longest portion of PSWS. We need a lot of people to help with designing, testing, paddling, applying aesthetics, and many other tasks. No matter what year you are, we encourage you to get involved in this cool hands-on project!
For more information, contact email conference@csulbasce.org or come by the ASCE office located at EN3-112!